Project Type: Eroded Drainage Swale Improvements / Erosion Control Services
Location: Whitestown, Indiana
Property owners looking to increase and protect the value of their property need to consider routine drainage maintenance for erosion control. By repairing and maintaining drainage outfalls, owners can protect their properties from erosion, flooding, and other environmental hazards.
For this project, we helped the Whitestown Amazon Warehouse repair 11 heavily eroded drainage outfall areas. Indy Enviroworks, an Indianapolis-based environmental contractor, installed geotextile fabric and 300 tons of revetment size rip-rap to improve drainage.
Geotextile fabric is an essential part of any outfall repair project as it helps stabilize the area and prevents soil particles from being washed away during heavy rainstorms or floods. The rip-rap also helps protect the swale from erosion caused by fast-moving water which can cause serious damage if left unchecked.